I thank all of you for being here on this beautiful day. I thank my grandparents, Martha
and Father Tom Fitzgerald for all they did and gave to make this moment and this place
in the universe possible and wonderful for all of us. I thank Father Fred and all the
clergy past and present, my fellow Redeemerites, my Confirmation sponsor, Captain
Edward Lindsay, Father Rick for all he’s done for all the confirmands who have grown
through his teaching, Father Wilson for his general awesomeness and inspiration, my
beloved, intrepid Sunday School teachers, our amazing youth leadership, the musical
Moes, the VBS leaders, my mom, and especially my dad, my extended family near and
far, and every single member of Redeemer. It looks as if we’re going to get away with
It is not just within these walls, but outside them that the inspiration, the guidance and
the knowledge of God will sustain me, as it will all of you. For kids now squirming in your
pew, I want to tell you, those clothes won’t always itch, you won’t always be coloring on
the children’s program, slamming those clipboards at opportune moments, or gnawing
on those crayons, and it won’t be long before you’re the one squirming up here, with a
heart full of love and gratitude.
One of the most defining experiences of my life has been the St. Michael’s Conference.
It has been one of many ways a young person from this parish can see our scope in the
big world, across this nation and beyond. It set the stage for a future I am glad to run out
to meet. It cements an iron bond and extended my family beyond the boundaries of
blood and this church.
We are incredibly blessed to be able to come to this beautiful place, and hash out the
finer points of worship. The liturgy, the holidays, the music, the bells, the peaceful
garden, the compass rose, the rose garden, the nursery, the Sunday School, the
programming, and most importantly, all of you, make this a training ground for fortunate
souls, especially when VBS week rolls around. I will never forget the amazing tableaus
laid out by the Miller twins, and my vast personal collection of tye-dyed shirts which
should outfit all my grandchildren for generations to come. I have eaten well over a
million of those only-at-Redeemer cookies, and have somehow survived not being able
to wear my Pokemon shirt on Sundays mornings, being forced into neckties, bowties,
shoes that were not flip-flops, sleeping in a pew, sleeping under a pew, getting bounced
out of the nursery, getting bounced out of the sanctuary, heckling when my grandfather
gave a sermon, doing things with fire and candles and smoke and just generally leading
a life of religious adventure. Who knew this could be so fun, and could be over just as
quickly? Yet this is not a sad occasion at all – you CAN take it with you. My life at
Redeemer defines and sustains me and determines, essentially, who I will forever be. I
thank you again, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The Church of the Redeemer
Sarasota Florida
6th Sunday of Easter
1 May 2016