List of Ministries
Get Involved
To become involved in any of the ministries listed here, please contact the Parish Office at 941-955-4263.
List of Ministries
Adult Faith Formation
Children & Youth
Church Support & Administration
Education & Study
Fellowship & Social Groups
Service & Outreach
List of Ministries
Acolytes: Actively involving youth in our worship services as Crucifers, Torch Bearers, Servers, and Thurifers. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Jody Maxwell for more information.
Adult Faith Formation Class — Redeemer Forum: Meeting on Sunday mornings between the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. masses, these classes acquaint Christians with the sources, personalities, and themes of Holy Scripture, the teaching and activity of Jesus, and the history of the community in which He lived, ministered, died and was resurrected. Email Associate Rector for Adult Formation and Liturgy Father David Svihel for more information.
Adult Faith Formation Class — Tell Me More: Meeting on Sunday mornings between the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. masses, these classes are an opportunity to learn more about the sermon. They are taught by that Sunday’s preacher. Email Associate Rector for Adult Formation and Liturgy Father David Svihel for more information.
Altar Guild: Preparing for the Holy Eucharist and responsible for all vessels, vestments, linens, candles, and flowers. New volunteers are always needed. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach Altar Guild Directress Donna Dennis for more information.
Baptism Preparation: Prepares candidates, parents, and godparents for baptism. Contact Executive Assistant to the Clergy and Pastoral Care Coordinator Angela Ward for more information.
Bell Ringers for Salvation Army: Assist The Salvation Army by “ringing the bell” for donations during the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Sharon Coleman for more information.
Books and Beyond Men’s Book Group: This group of men gathers to discuss a wide variety of books. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Jim Cooper for more information.
Businessmen’s Bible Study: This group meets on Wednesdays at 7 a.m. via Zoom. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Russ Ryan for more information.
Caritas: Provides assistance to the working poor, the unemployed, and the homeless in Sarasota by staffing the food pantry at First Sarasota (the downtown Baptist church) and Herrig House (1645 Fruitville Road). Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Diane Miles for more information.
Children’s Chapel: Offered each Sunday during the 9 a.m. mass. Children gather for a special lesson and activity. Contact Director of Children’s Formation Mandy Latta or Director of Youth and Outreach Ministries Jackie Overton for more information.
Choirs: Choir members (including boys and girls and men and women of all ages) add immensely to the rich expression of our parish’s liturgical life by offering anthems and communion music expressive of the great diversity found in Christian choral literature. Contact Organist-Choirmaster Sam Nelson for more information.
Christian Education for Adults: Redeemer offers courses about a variety of subjects throughout the week that are taught by clergy and parishioners. These classes build up individuals in their faith and knowledge of Jesus and His church and equip them for witness and ministry. Email Associate Rector for Adult Formation and Liturgy Father David Svihel for more information.
Christian Education for Children and Youth: Redeemer offers classes and formation experiences that allow children and youth to experience God’s saving grace. Contact Director of Children’s Formation Mandy Latta or Director of Youth and Outreach Ministries Jackie Overton for more information.
Coffee Hour Coordinators and Volunteers: Provides the 11 a.m. congregation with a time of fellowship and an opportunity to welcome visitors and new members with a smile, a beverage, and snacks. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Stan Niemi for more information.
Coffee Talk Women’s Book Group: Offering an opportunity for women to gather monthly to discuss a literary selection. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Gussie Haeffner or parishioner Caroline Ryan for more information.
Cursillo: Building up and supporting leaders in our church with a Diocesan weekend program to help them grow in their faith and spirituality. Cursillo helps parishioners gain a deeper understanding of the teachings of Jesus and how to serve him. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Gussie Haeffner for more information.
Daily Office Readers: Volunteers pray the Daily Office (Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer), which includes prayers for parishioners who are ill, seeking comfort, traveling, and serving in the armed forces. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Traci Reed or email Executive Assistant to the Clergy and Pastoral Care Coordinator Angela Ward for more information.
Daughters of the King: Becoming a Daughter of the King involves taking a lifetime vow to live by the Rule of the Order, requiring a spiritual discipline of daily prayer, service, and evangelism. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Deacon Jo Hedin for more information.
Day 4 Hope: Annual summer outreach project that prepares students at Alta Vista Elementary School for the new school year ahead. Email Director of Youth and Outreach Ministries Jackie Overton for more information.
Dominican Republic Adult Mission: Since 1995 Redeemer has constructed and equipped 4 Episcopal churches, an Episcopal school, and an assisted living facility in the Boca Chica area of Santo Domingo. Mission teams go to the DR every year. Contact Father Michael Hurst or parishioner Joe Reuth for more information.
Disaster Preparedness: Protecting the contents and property of Redeemer by doing pre-storm protective preparations. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach Junior Warden Tim Hensey for more information.
Endowment Committee: Assures the investment assets of Redeemer are managed to provide attractive inflation adjusted returns over the long term. Contact Father Charleston Wilson for more information.
Episcopal Thrift House: Sells gently used clothing, jewelry, furniture, and household items to the public. Redeemer parishioners and community members provide donations and volunteer at the shop. Proceeds fund grants for nonprofits. The Episcopal Thrift House is in downtown Sarasota at 1503 Second St. It is open Tuesdays-Fridays from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner and Episcopal Thrift House Manager Diane Miles for more information.
Evangelism: Equipping members of Redeemer to tell their personal faith stories to others within the church and outside of Redeemer. Contact Father Charleston Wilson for more information.
Faith Fitness: Gentle exercise classes led by an instructor on the Redeemer campus. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Terry Stocker for more information.
Feed My Sheep: Every summer, the parish comes together to prepare meals for the hungry. Parishioners gather in Gillespie Hall on specific Sunday mornings between the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. masses to assemble and pack sandwiches that are delivered to The Salvation Army for lunch. Contact Director of Children’s Formation Mandy Latta for more information.
Finance Committee: Monitors Redeemer’s finances, reviews financial statements, prepares the annual budget, reviews proposed expenditures before Vestry approval, oversees transfers of funds and accounting clarifications. Contact Father Charleston Wilson for more information.
First Communion Class: Sharing with our kindergartners and their parents the mystery and ritual of the Holy Eucharist through a five-week Instructed Eucharist Class conducted during Sunday School time during the kindergarten year. Contact Director of Children’s Formation Mandy Latta for more information.
First Fridays on Palm: On the first Friday evening of each month, from October through April, Redeemer participates in First Fridays on Palm Avenue. The parish welcomes visitors and parishioners for wine and snacks on the Palm Avenue Terrace. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Susie Shugg for more information.
Foster Youth Initiative: Redeemer organizes several efforts to help foster care families in the area throughout the year. Past projects have included supply drives, assembling necessity kits for foster families with babies, and acquiring items, such as car seats, that have been requested by foster families. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Malacy Wilson or email Director of Youth and Outreach Ministries Jackie Overton for more information.
Gathering Adults to Redeemer Singles (GATORS): Redeemer’s ministry for singles that promotes Christian fellowship by offering a variety of social events and spiritual growth opportunities, including Bible studies. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 for more information.
Gift & Book Shop: This shop on Redeemer’s campus (off Palm Avenue) offers books, games, greeting cards, notecards, Christian jewelry, icons, homeware, gifts, and more. Sales support the Rector’s Discretionary Fund. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioners and Gift & Book Shop Co-Managers Deb Kern and Susie Shugg for more information.
Golf Tournament: Redeemer’s annual golf tournament is organized by Men of Redeemer and benefits Men of Redeemer’s projects and programs throughout the year. Men and women are invited to play in the tournament. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Bill Brush for more information.
Grace Gang: This women’s Bible study is led by Redeemer Rector Father Charleston Wilson. It meets on the first and third Thursday of the month at noon in Goewey Hall. Contact Father Charleston Wilson for more information.
Great Music Series: Redeemer hosts several exciting musical events each year as part of its Great Music Series. These events include organ concerts, choral concerts, Evensong, quartets, and more. Contact Organist-Choirmaster Sam Nelson for more information.
Grown and Flown: This group for parents of adult children who have “flown the nest” meets for fellowship and learning. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioners Marsha & Steve Devitt for more information.
Guild of the Christ Child: Organizing parish support for young families during times of need, such as illness of a child or the birth of a new baby. Twice a year, the guild offers small group studies that focus on Biblically-based parenting. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Rebekah Bragg for more information.
Heart and Sole Walking Group: Parishioners gather in the Van Wezel parking lot to walk together on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Rafik Accad for more information.
Healing Ministry: Focusing on prayers for the mind, body, and spirit for ourselves and others. Private prayers with trained members of the Order of St. Luke. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Carrie Lee Major for more information.
Heart to Heart Women’s Bible Study: Providing exciting, in-depth courses throughout the year. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Jane Thompson for more information.
High School Youth Group: Growing our teens’ relationship with Christ through fellowship-centered activities that enable them to spend time with other like-minded young Christians who reinforce their beliefs while the understanding of their faith matures. High School Youth Group is offered for students in ninth through twelfth grades. Contact Director of Youth and Outreach Ministries Jackie Overton for more information.
Hijas de Getsemani/Women’s Spanish Prayer Group: A prayer group that meets once a month in person on Redeemer’s campus on a Monday evening and via Zoom on the other Monday evenings. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Lourdes Pozas for more information.
Hispanic Ministry: An outreach ministry of Redeemer to Hispanic members of the community. Redeemer has a mass in Spanish at 1 p.m. on Sundays each weekend. Contact Priest Associate for Hispanic Ministry Father Mario Castro for more information.
In the Beginning Mailing Crew: Each month, this group of volunteers gathers in Gillespie Hall to prepare Redeemer’s monthly newsletter for mailing. The work includes applying mailing address labels and stickers to the newsletters. The group also meets twice a year to prepare cards for mailing to parishioners and friends ahead of Easter and Christmas. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Ronelle Ashby for more information.
Just Do It: This program for kindergarten through fifth graders meets on Wednesday nights in January and February. Various parishioners teach children about their work, hobbies, or other skills, such as playing the organ, being a chef, making pottery, and more. Contact Director of Children’s Formation Mandy Latta for more information.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers and Subdeacons: Serving as subdeacons and administering the chalice during the Holy Eucharist. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioners Gussie Haeffner or Linda Lee Miller for more information.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors: Church members who visit and bring Holy Communion to parishioners who are unable to attend church. The Diocese of Southwest Florida has authorized the training and licensing of lay people to become Eucharistic Visitors. Contact Priest Associate for Pastoral Care Father Ralph Strohm for more information.
Lectors and Intercessors: Reading the Old Testament Lesson and Intercessory Prayers during services. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioners Gussie Haeffner and Linda Lee Miller for more information.
Library: Maintaining the parish collection of books about Christianity, Jesus, Episcopal life, history of the church, and more. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Russ Ryan for more information.
Little Hands, Big Hearts: This program for kindergarten through fifth graders meets on Wednesday nights during Lent. Children work together on a service project to help people in need, such as making meals for the hungry. Contact Director of Children’s Formation Mandy Latta for more information.
LOGOS: Redeemer’s Wednesday offering for children in kindergarten through fifth grades. LOGOS includes playtime, tutoring, choir, art, Bible lessons, and family-style dinners. Contact Director of Children’s Formation Mandy Latta for more information.
Martha’s Guild: Provides support to family members on the day of a loved one’s requiem. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Beth Cave for more information.
Men of Redeemer (MOR): Encouraging men, through relationships, to seek Christ-centered living. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Craig Burness for more information.
Men’s Prayer Groups: A time for fellowship, prayer, and study for men of Redeemer and other Christian men. Meets at 7 a.m. on Wednesdays for Lectionary Study and 7:30 a.m. on Saturdays for Bible or book study. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Ed Weber or parishioner Russ Ryan for more information.
Men’s Steak Night: Each year, male parishioners gather on a night in the fall to hear an inspiring speaker and enjoy a steak dinner together. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Craig Burness for more information.
Middle School Youth Group: Growing our teens’ relationship with Christ through fellowship-centered activities that enable them to spend time with other like-minded young Christians who reinforce their beliefs while the understanding of their faith matures. Middle School Youth Group is offered for students in sixth through eighth grades. Contact Director of Youth and Outreach Ministries Jackie Overton for more information.
Ministry to College Students: Reaching out to Redeemer’s undergraduates living away from home through treats and letters mailed to them at college, connection with Episcopal Student Centers on campus, and clergy contact—all reminders of their parish family at Redeemer. Contact Director of Youth and Outreach Ministries Jackie Overton for more information.
Mission & Outreach Committee: Advisory committee to the Vestry that allocates grants to nonprofits throughout Sarasota and the world that request financial support. Contact Director of Youth and Outreach Ministries Jackie Overton for more information.
Mom’s Night Out: A fun social gathering for parishioners who are mothers of children still living at home. Contact Director of Children’s Formation Mandy Latta for more information.
Music Ministry: Central to our rich liturgical life, the Music Program at Redeemer includes choirs for children, young women, and adults. Throughout the year, music fills the church with the sounds of rehearsals, concerts, and community recitals from some of the best and most talented vocalists, instrumentalists, ensembles, and orchestras in Sarasota and around the world. Contact Organist-Choirmaster Sam Nelson for more information.
Needlepoint Guild: Glorifying God and beautifying the church with needlepoint kneelers, antependia, and rugs through the fellowship of a dedicated group of stitchers. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Patty Sullivan or parishioner Joy Busler for more information.
Newcomers/Welcoming: Parishioners who are part of Redeemer’s Welcome Team greet visitors before and after services on Sunday and at other special events. Contact Welcome Coordinator Anne Ayres for more information.
Night Shift Women’s Book Club: A book club for women that gathers on the first Monday evening of the month. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner MaryPage Hill for more information.
Nursery Committee: Oversees the operation of Redeemer’s nurseries. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Malacy Wilson for more information.
Nursery Greeters: Volunteers who greet parents before the 9 a.m. mass as they arrive to drop off their children at the nursery. Contact Director of Children’s Formation Mandy Latta for more information.
Oblations: Parishioners carry up the bread, water, wine, and gifts to the altar during the celebration of the Holy Eucharist at services. Contact Executive Assistant to the Clergy and Pastoral Care Coordinator Angela Ward for more information.
Pre-K Volunteers: Our pre-kindergarten class is open during the 9 a.m. mass on Sundays. Contact Director of Children’s Formation Mandy Latta for more information.
Planned Giving: Informing parishioners about various estate-planning methods that may reduce taxes, increase benefits for families, and provide a gift to Redeemer to help ensure its continued vibrancy in the years to come. Contact Father Charleston Wilson for more information.
RAMBOs: Redeemer Audiovisual Ministry Board Operators (RAMBOs) assist with sound during services. RAMBOs sit in the balcony in a special booth and control microphone levels for priests and readers. Most RAMBOs serve once or twice a month. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Scott Ferguson for more information.
Redeemer 101: This three-session class is led by our clergy and welcome coordinator. It is geared toward new members who have joined Redeemer in the last year. The class is held on specific dates throughout the year from 10:10-10:40 a.m., during our Sunday morning formation time for students and adults. It covers topics including navigating the campus, using Redeemer’s online resources, learning about Redeemer’s history, using the Book of Common Prayer, discovering your spiritual gifts, and volunteering for ministries at Redeemer. Contact Welcome Coordinator Anne Ayres for more information.
Redeemer Young Professionals is for parishioners and friends who are ages 21-40ish. The group gathers throughout the year, including on the second Saturday of every month for fellowship over wine and cheese. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Ian McGowan for more information.
Resurrection House: A Sarasota nonprofit that Redeemer supports financially and through volunteers. Resurrection House runs a faith-based resource center for the homeless that provides physical, emotional, and spiritual assistance. Contact Welcome Coordinator Anne Ayres for more information.
Saint Michael’s Conference: A religious conference in Connecticut for young people that Redeemer youth can attend. Contact Director of Youth and Outreach Ministries Jackie Overton for more information.
Salvation Army: Every Christmastime, Redeemer parishioners participate in The Salvation Army’s Red Kettle campaign, ringing bells and collecting donations outside local businesses (usually Publix). The campaign supports people in need in the local community. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Sharon Coleman for more information.
Shut-In Ministry: Bringing spiritual counseling, visitation, and the Blessed Sacraments to communicants who cannot come to church because of an illness or medical condition. Contact Priest Associate for Pastoral Care Father Ralph Strohm for more information.
Stewardship: Encouraging all parishioners to contribute their time, talent, and treasure to the church’s work. Contact Father Charleston Wilson for more information.
Sunday School: Providing weekly Christian education classes and activities for children and youth (ages 2 through high school) on Sunday mornings from 10-10:40 a.m. during the school year. Contact Director of Children’s Formation Mandy Latta for more information.
Travel Group/St. Bartholomew’s Society: Plans trips and pilgrimages for Redeemer parishioners to various destinations around the globe, such as the Holy Land, England, and more. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Mary Lou McFate for more information.
Ushers: Greeting worshipers, passing out service bulletins, and offering assistance to people with special requests or needs. Email Associate Rector for Adult Formation and Liturgy Father David Svihel for more information.
Vacation Bible School: Providing a fun-filled end-of-summer week for children entering kindergarten through fifth grade. During VBS, children grow in the knowledge of God through interaction with priests, peers, and parish volunteers. Contact Director of Children’s Formation Mandy Latta for more information.
Vergers: Leading processions and working behind the scenes to plan logistical details of the mass. Vergers also assist Acolytes, Lectors, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, the Altar Guild, and others as needed and directed by the Rector. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Ernie Cave or parishioner Dave Reed for more information.
Wedding Coordinators: Providing coordination between the parish and the bride and groom from initial preparation to the wedding ceremony. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Marsha Devitt for more information.
Welcome Table: Welcome Table volunteers greet visitors and answer their questions prior to services. Contact Welcome Coordinator Anne Ayres for more information.
Women of Redeemer: Hosts events for female parishioners throughout the year that provide an opportunity for faith formation and fellowship. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioners Jody Maxwell, Janet Trefry, and Jacki Boedecker for more information.
Women’s Bible Studies: Studies offered throughout the year for the ladies of the parish focusing on specific topics or books of the Bible. These Bible studies meet at various times, both in the morning and evening. Contact Associate Rector for Adult Formation and Liturgy Father David Svihel or call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Amy Buck for more information.
Youth Confirmation: Offering a course of instruction for seventh-grade youth (and older) on the Christian faith and Anglicanism in preparation for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation. Confirmation consists of approximately 30 hours of instruction, a retreat, and an accountability relationship with a sponsor. Contact Senior Assistant Rector Father Michael Hurst for more information.
Youth Mission Trips: Trips organized for Redeemer’s Middle School Youth Group and High School Youth Group. These trips provide an opportunity for service, fellowship, learning, and fun. Contact Director of Youth and Outreach Ministries Jackie Overton for more information.
Adult Faith Formation
Adult Faith Formation Class — Redeemer Forum: Meeting on Sunday mornings between the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. masses, these classes acquaint Christians with the sources, personalities, and themes of Holy Scripture, the teaching and activity of Jesus, and the history of the community in which He lived, ministered, died and was resurrected. Contact Associate Rector for Adult Formation and Liturgy Father David Svihel for more information.
Adult Faith Formation Class — Tell Me More: Meeting on Sunday mornings between the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. masses, these classes are an opportunity to learn more about the sermon. They are taught by that Sunday’s preacher. Contact Associate Rector for Adult Formation and Liturgy Father David Svihel for more information.
Businessmen’s Bible Study: This group meets on Wednesdays at 7 a.m. via Zoom. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Russ Ryan or parishioner Ed Weber for more information.
Christian Education for Adults: Redeemer offers courses about a variety of subjects throughout the week that are taught by clergy and parishioners. These classes build up individuals in their faith and knowledge of Jesus and His church and equip them for witness and ministry. Contact Associate Rector for Adult Formation and Liturgy Father David Svihel for more information.
Cursillo: Building up and supporting leaders in our church with a Diocesan weekend program to help them grow in their faith and spirituality. Cursillo helps parishioners gain a deeper understanding of the teachings of Jesus and how to serve him. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Gussie Haeffner for more information.
Daughters of the King: Becoming a Daughter of the King involves taking a lifetime vow to live by the Rule of the Order, requiring a spiritual discipline of daily prayer, service, and evangelism. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Deacon Jo Hedin for more information.
Hijas de Getsemani/Women’s Spanish Prayer Group: A prayer group that meets once a month in person on Redeemer’s campus on a Monday evening and via Zoom on the other Monday evenings. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Lourdes Pozas for more information.
Men of Redeemer (MOR): Encouraging men, through relationships, to seek Christ-centered living. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Craig Burness for more information.
Men’s Prayer Groups: A time for fellowship, prayer, and study for men of Redeemer and other Christian men. Meets at 7 a.m. on Wednesdays for Lectionary Study and 7:30 a.m. on Saturdays for Bible or book study. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Ed Weber or parishioner Russ Ryan for more information.
Women of Redeemer: Hosts events for female parishioners throughout the year that provide an opportunity for faith formation and fellowship. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioners Jody Maxwell, Janet Trefry, and Jacki Boedecker for more information.
Women’s Bible Studies: Studies offered throughout the year for the ladies of the parish focusing on specific topics or books of the Bible. These Bible studies meet at various times, both in the morning and evening. Contact Associate Rector for Adult Formation and Liturgy Father David Svihel for more information.
Children & Youth
Acolytes: Actively involving youth in our worship services as Crucifers, Torch Bearers, Servers, and Thurifers. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Jody Maxwell for more information.
Baptism Preparation: Prepares candidates, parents, and godparents for baptism. Contact Executive Assistant to the Clergy and Pastoral Care Coordinator Angela Ward for more information.
Children’s Chapel: Offered each Sunday during the 9 a.m. mass. Children gather for a special lesson and activity. Contact Director of Children’s Formation Mandy Latta or Director of Youth and Outreach Ministries Jackie Overton for more information.
Christian Education for Children and Youth: Redeemer offers classes and formation experiences that allow children and youth to experience God’s saving grace. Contact Director of Children’s Formation Mandy Latta or Director of Youth and Outreach Ministries Jackie Overton for more information.
First Communion Class: Sharing with our kindergartners and their parents the mystery and ritual of the Holy Eucharist through a five-week Instructed Eucharist Class conducted during Sunday School time during the kindergarten year. Contact Director of Children’s Formation Mandy Latta for more information.
High School Youth Group: Growing our teens’ relationship with Christ through fellowship-centered activities that enable them to spend time with other like-minded young Christians who reinforce their beliefs while the understanding of their faith matures. High School Youth Group is offered for students in ninth through twelfth grades. Contact Director of Youth and Outreach Ministries Jackie Overton for more information.
Just Do It: This program for kindergarten through fifth graders meets on Wednesday nights in January and February. Various parishioners teach children about their work, hobbies, or other skills, such as playing the organ, being a chef, making pottery, and more. Contact Director of Children’s Formation Mandy Latta for more information.
Little Hands, Big Hearts: This program for kindergarten through fifth graders meets on Wednesday nights during Lent. Children work together on a service project to help people in need, such as making meals for the hungry. Contact Director of Children’s Formation Mandy Latta for more information.
LOGOS: Redeemer’s Wednesday offering for children in kindergarten through fifth grades. LOGOS includes playtime, tutoring, choir, art, Bible lessons, and family-style dinners. Contact Director of Children’s Formation Mandy Latta for more information.
Middle School Youth Group: Growing our teens’ relationship with Christ through fellowship-centered activities that enable them to spend time with other like-minded young Christians who reinforce their beliefs while the understanding of their faith matures. Middle School Youth Group is offered for students in sixth through eighth grades. Contact Director of Youth and Outreach Ministries Jackie Overton for more information.
Ministry to College Students: Reaching out to Redeemer’s undergraduates living away from home through treats and letters mailed to them at college, connection with Episcopal Student Centers on campus, and clergy contact—all reminders of their parish family at Redeemer. Contact Director of Youth and Outreach Ministries Jackie Overton for more information.
Saint Michael’s Conference: A religious conference in Connecticut for young people that Redeemer youth can attend. Contact Director of Youth and Outreach Ministries Jackie Overton for more information.
Sunday School: Providing weekly Christian education classes and activities for children and youth (ages 2 through high school) on Sunday mornings from 10-10:40 a.m. during the school year. Contact Director of Children’s Formation Mandy Latta for more information.
Vacation Bible School: Providing a fun-filled end-of-summer week for children entering kindergarten through fifth grade. During VBS, children grow in the knowledge of God through interaction with priests, peers, and parish volunteers. Contact Director of Children’s Formation Mandy Latta for more information.
Youth Confirmation: Offering a course of instruction for seventh-grade youth (and older) on the Christian faith and Anglicanism in preparation for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation. Confirmation consists of approximately 30 hours of instruction, a retreat, and an accountability relationship with a sponsor. Contact Senior Assistant Rector Father Michael Hurst for more information.
Youth Mission Trips: Trips organized for Redeemer’s Middle School Youth Group and High School Youth Group. These trips provide an opportunity for service, fellowship, learning, and fun. Contact Director of Youth and Outreach Ministries Jackie Overton for more information.
Church Support & Administration
Altar Guild: Preparing for the Holy Eucharist and responsible for all vessels, vestments, linens, candles, and flowers. New volunteers are always needed. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach Altar Guild Directress Donna Dennis for more information.
Choirs: Choir members (including boys and girls and men and women of all ages) add immensely to the rich expression of our parish’s liturgical life by offering anthems and communion music expressive of the great diversity found in Christian choral literature. Contact Organist-Choirmaster Sam Nelson for more information.
Coffee Hour Coordinators and Volunteers: Provides the 11 a.m. congregation with a time of fellowship and an opportunity to welcome visitors and new members with a smile, a beverage, and snacks. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Stan Niemi for more information.
Daily Office Readers: Volunteers pray the Daily Office (Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer), which includes prayers for parishioners who are ill, seeking comfort, traveling, and serving in the armed forces. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Traci Reed or email Executive Assistant to the Clergy and Pastoral Care Coordinator Angela Ward for more information.
Disaster Preparedness: Protecting the contents and property of Redeemer by doing pre-storm protective preparations. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach Junior Warden Tim Hensey for more information.
Endowment Committee: Assures the investment assets of Redeemer are managed to provide attractive inflation adjusted returns over the long term. Contact Father Charleston Wilson or call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Bob Morris for more information.
Finance Committee: Monitors Redeemer’s finances, reviews financial statements, prepares the annual budget, reviews proposed expenditures before Vestry approval, oversees transfers of funds and accounting clarifications. Contact Father Charleston Wilson for more information.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers and Subdeacons: Serving as subdeacons and administering the chalice during the Holy Eucharist. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioners Gussie Haeffner and Linda Lee Miller for more information.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors: Church members who visit and bring Holy Communion to parishioners who are unable to attend church. The Diocese of Southwest Florida has authorized the training and licensing of lay people to become Eucharistic Visitors. Contact Priest Associate for Pastoral Care Father Ralph Strohm for more information.
Lectors and Intercessors: Reading the Old Testament Lesson and Intercessory Prayers during services. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioners Gussie Haeffner and Linda Lee Miller for more information.
Martha’s Guild: Provides support to family members on the day of a loved one’s requiem. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Beth Cave for more information.
Oblations: Parishioners carry up the bread, water, wine, and gifts to the altar during the celebration of the Holy Eucharist at services. Contact Executive Assistant to the Clergy and Pastoral Care Coordinator Angela Ward for more information.
Planned Giving: Informing parishioners about various estate-planning methods that may reduce taxes, increase benefits for families, and provide a gift to Redeemer to help ensure its continued vibrancy in the years to come. Contact Rector Father Charleston Wilson for more information.
Ushers: Greeting worshipers, passing out service bulletins, and offering assistance to people with special requests or needs. Contact Associate Rector for Adult Formation and Liturgy Father David Svihel for more information.
Vergers: Leading processions and working behind the scenes to plan logistical details of the mass. Vergers also assist Acolytes, Lectors, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, the Altar Guild, and others as needed and directed by the Rector. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Ernie Cave or parishioner Dave Reed for more information.
Wedding Coordinators: Providing coordination between the parish and the bride and groom from initial preparation to the wedding ceremony. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Marsha Devitt for more information.
Welcome Table: Welcome Table volunteers greet visitors and answer their questions prior to services. Contact Welcome Coordinator Anne Ayres for more information.
Education & Study
Adult Faith Formation Class — Redeemer Forum: Meeting on Sunday mornings between the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. masses, these classes acquaint Christians with the sources, personalities, and themes of Holy Scripture, the teaching and activity of Jesus, and the history of the community in which He lived, ministered, died and was resurrected. Contact Associate Rector for Adult Formation and Liturgy Father David Svihel for more information.
Adult Faith Formation Class — Tell Me More: Meeting on Sunday mornings between the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. masses, these classes are an opportunity to learn more about the sermon. They are taught by that Sunday’s preacher. Contact Associate Rector for Adult Formation and Liturgy Father David Svihel for more information.
Businessmen’s Bible Study: This group meets on Wednesdays at 7 a.m. via Zoom. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Russ Ryan or parishioner Ed Weber for more information.
Christian Education for Adults: Redeemer offers courses about a variety of subjects throughout the week that are taught by clergy and parishioners. These classes build up individuals in their faith and knowledge of Jesus and His church and equip them for witness and ministry. Contact Associate Rector for Adult Formation and Liturgy Father David Svihel for more information.
Christian Education for Children and Youth: Redeemer offers classes and formation experiences that allow children and youth to experience God’s saving grace. Contact Director of Children’s Formation Mandy Latta or Director of Youth and Outreach Ministries Jackie Overton for more information.
First Communion Class: Sharing with our kindergartners and their parents the mystery and ritual of the Holy Eucharist through a five-week Instructed Eucharist Class conducted during Sunday School time during the kindergarten year. Contact Director of Children’s Formation Mandy Latta for more information.
Grace Gang: This women’s Bible study is led by Redeemer Rector Father Charleston Wilson. It meets on the first and third Thursday of the month at noon in Goewey Hall. Contact Father Charleston Wilson for more information.
Grown and Flown: This group for parents of adult children who have “flown the nest” meets for fellowship and learning. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioners Marsha & Steve Devitt for more information.
Heart to Heart Women’s Bible Study: Providing exciting, in-depth courses throughout the year. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Jane Thompson for more information.
Hijas de Getsemani/Women’s Spanish Prayer Group: A prayer group that meets once a month in person on Redeemer’s campus on a Monday evening and via Zoom on the other Monday evenings. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Lourdes Pozas for more information.
Library: Maintaining the parish collection of books about Christianity, Jesus, Episcopal life, history of the church, and more. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Russ Ryan for more information.
Men’s Prayer Groups: A time for fellowship, prayer, and study for men of Redeemer and other Christian men. Meets at 7 a.m. on Wednesdays for Lectionary Study and 7:30 a.m. on Saturdays for Bible or book study. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Ed Weber or parishioner Russ Ryan for more information.
Redeemer 101: This three-session class is led by our clergy and welcome coordinator. It is geared toward new members who have joined Redeemer in the last year. The class is held on specific dates throughout the year from 10:10-10:40 a.m., during our Sunday morning formation time for students and adults. It covers topics including navigating the campus, using Redeemer’s online resources, learning about Redeemer’s history, using the Book of Common Prayer, discovering your spiritual gifts, and volunteering for ministries at Redeemer. Contact Welcome Coordinator Anne Ayres for more information.
Women’s Bible Studies: Studies offered throughout the year for the ladies of the parish focusing on specific topics or books of the Bible. These Bible studies meet at various times, both in the morning and evening. Contact Associate Rector for Adult Formation and Liturgy Father David Svihel for more information.
Fellowship & Social Groups
Books and Beyond Men’s Book Group: This group of men gathers to discuss a wide variety of books. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Jim Cooper for more information.
Coffee Hour Coordinators and Volunteers: Provides the 11 a.m. congregation with a time of fellowship and an opportunity to welcome visitors and new members with a smile, a beverage, and snacks. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Stan Niemi for more information.
Coffee Talk Women’s Book Group: Offering an opportunity for women to gather monthly to discuss a literary selection. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioners Gussie Haeffner and Caroline Ryan for more information.
Faith Fitness: Gentle exercise classes led by an instructor on the Redeemer campus. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Terry Stocker for more information.
First Fridays on Palm: On the first Friday evening of each month, from October through April, Redeemer participates in First Fridays on Palm Avenue. The parish welcomes visitors and parishioners for wine and snacks on the Palm Avenue Terrace. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Susie Shugg for more information.
GATORS (Gathering Adults to Redeemer Singles): Redeemer’s ministry for singles that promotes Christian fellowship by offering a variety of social events and spiritual growth opportunities, including Bible studies. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 for more information.
Golf Tournament: Redeemer’s annual golf tournament is organized by Men of Redeemer and benefits Men of Redeemer’s projects and programs throughout the year. Men and women are invited to play in the tournament. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Bill Brush for more information.
Grown and Flown: This group for parents of adult children who have “flown the nest” meets for fellowship and learning. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioners Marsha & Steve Devitt for more information.
Heart and Sole Walking Group: Parishioners gather in the Van Wezel parking lot to walk together on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Rafik Accad for more information.
Hijas de Getsemani/Women’s Spanish Prayer Group: A prayer group that meets once a month in person on Redeemer’s campus on a Monday evening and via Zoom on the other Monday evenings. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Lourdes Pozas for more information.
Men of Redeemer (MOR): Encouraging men, through relationships, to seek Christ-centered living. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Craig Burness for more information.
Men’s Prayer Groups: A time for fellowship, prayer, and study for men of Redeemer and other Christian men. Meets at 7 a.m. on Wednesdays for Lectionary Study and 7:30 a.m. on Saturdays for Bible or book study. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioners Ed Weber and Russ Ryan for more information.
Men’s Steak Night: Each year, male parishioners gather on a night in the fall to hear an inspiring speaker and enjoy a steak dinner together. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Craig Burness for more information.
Mom’s Night Out: A fun social gathering for parishioners who are mothers of children still living at home. Contact Director of Children’s Formation Mandy Latta for more information.
Night Shift Women’s Book Club: A book club for women that gathers on the first Monday evening of the month. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner MaryPage Hill for more information.
Redeemer Young Professionals is for parishioners and friends who are ages 21-40ish. The group gathers throughout the year, including on the second Saturday of every month for fellowship over wine and cheese. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Ian McGowan for more information.
Travel Group/St. Bartholomew’s Society: Plans trips and pilgrimages for Redeemer parishioners to various destinations around the globe, such as the Holy Land, England, and more. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Mary Lou McFate for more information.
Women of Redeemer: Hosts events for female parishioners throughout the year that provide an opportunity for faith formation and fellowship. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioners Jody Maxwell, Janet Trefry, and Jacki Boedecker for more information.
Service & Outreach
Bell Ringers for Salvation Army: Assist The Salvation Army by “ringing the bell” for donations during the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Sharon Coleman for more information.
Caritas: Provides assistance to the working poor, the unemployed, and the homeless in Sarasota by staffing the food pantry at First Sarasota (the downtown Baptist church) and Herrig House (1645 Fruitville Road). Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Diane Miles for more information.
Day 4 Hope: Annual summer outreach project that prepares students at Alta Vista Elementary School for the new school year ahead. Contact Director of Youth and Outreach Ministries Jackie Overton for more information.
Dominican Republic Adult Mission: Since 1995 Redeemer has constructed and equipped 4 Episcopal churches, an Episcopal school, and an assisted living facility in the Boca Chica area of Santo Domingo. Mission teams go to the DR every year. Contact Senior Assistant Rector Father Michael Hurst or parishioner Joe Reuth for more information.
Episcopal Thrift House: Sells gently used clothing, jewelry, furniture, and household items to the public. Redeemer parishioners and community members provide donations and volunteer at the shop. Proceeds fund grants for nonprofits. The Episcopal Thrift House is in downtown Sarasota at 1503 Second St. It is open Tuesdays-Fridays from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner and Episcopal Thrift House Manager Diane Miles for more information.
Feed My Sheep: Every summer, the parish comes together to prepare meals for the hungry. Parishioners gather in Gillespie Hall on specific Sunday mornings between the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. masses to assemble and pack sandwiches that are delivered to The Salvation Army for lunch. Contact Director of Children’s Formation Mandy Latta for more information.
Foster Youth Initiative: Redeemer organizes several efforts to help foster care families in the area throughout the year. Past projects have included supply drives, assembling necessity kits for foster families with babies, and acquiring items, such as car seats, that have been requested by foster families. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Malacy Wilson or email Director of Youth and Outreach Ministries Jackie Overton for more information.
Guild of the Christ Child: Organizing parish support for young families during times of need, such as illness of a child or the birth of a new baby. Twice a year, the guild offers small group studies that focus on Biblically-based parenting. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Rebekah Bragg for more information.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors: Church members who visit and bring Holy Communion to parishioners who are unable to attend church. The Diocese of Southwest Florida has authorized the training and licensing of lay people to become Eucharistic Visitors. Contact Priest Associate for Pastoral Care Father Ralph Strohm for more information.
Little Hands, Big Hearts: This program for kindergarten through fifth graders meets on Wednesday nights during Lent. Children work together on a service project to help people in need, such as making meals for the hungry. Contact Director of Children’s Formation Mandy Latta for more information.
Martha’s Guild: Provides support to family members on the day of a loved one’s requiem. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Beth Cave for more information.
Mission & Outreach Committee: Advisory committee to the Vestry that allocates grants to nonprofits throughout Sarasota and the world that request financial support. Contact Director of Youth and Outreach Ministries Jackie Overton for more information.
Resurrection House: A Sarasota nonprofit that Redeemer supports financially and through volunteers. Resurrection House runs a faith-based resource center for the homeless that provides physical, emotional, and spiritual assistance. Contact Welcome Coordinator Anne Ayres for more information.
Salvation Army: Every Christmastime, Redeemer parishioners participate in The Salvation Army’s Red Kettle campaign, ringing bells and collecting donations outside local businesses (usually Publix). The campaign supports people in need in the local community. Call the parish office at 941-955-4263 to reach parishioner Sharon Coleman for more information.
Shut-In Ministry: Bringing spiritual counseling, visitation, and the Blessed Sacraments to communicants who cannot come to church because of an illness or medical condition. Contact Priest Associate for Pastoral Care Father Ralph Strohm for more information.
Youth Mission Trips: Trips organized for Redeemer’s Middle School Youth Group and High School Youth Group. These trips provide an opportunity for service, fellowship, learning, and fun. Contact Director of Youth and Outreach Ministries Jackie Overton for more information.