Become a Member

“Whether 8 years old or 80, we were created to be in community with the Body of Christ. One way we do that is through membership in a parish church. Being part of the Redeemer family in this official way cements our relationship to Christ’s Body — the Church. Through membership we become part of a wonderful family that depends on God’s grace until He returns. We celebrate together, we grieve together, we grow together, we serve together. We are the Redeemer family!” —  Father Charleston Wilson, Rector, Church of the Redeemer

Are you interested in joining our growing parish family? Whether you worship in person or online, we would love to welcome you to the Church of the Redeemer family!

We have many ways to help our new members get connected right away, such as our three-session Redeemer 101 class, Coffee & Connect events, and New Member Welcome Receptions.

Please click below to fill out our new member form and then send the completed form to Redeemer Welcome Coordinator Anne Ayres at You can also print the form and then mail it to the parish office at Anne’s attention. Please send it to: Church of the Redeemer, 222 S. Palm Ave., Sarasota, FL 34236.

After Anne receives your new member form, she will reach out to go over the next steps with you. If you would like to make an appointment to meet Anne or members of the clergy, please email Anne. You can also arrange a tour of the church and campus with Anne. If you would like to transfer your membership from another Episcopal church, please note that on the new member form and we will request the transfer for you from your previous parish. If you have any questions about becoming a member of Redeemer, we encourage you to reach out to Anne. She is happy to answer any questions you might have!

Welcome Table

Visitors who are considering becoming a member of Redeemer are encouraged to stop by the welcome table in front of the church on Sunday mornings. Our welcome team volunteers can answer any questions you might have about the next steps. You’ll also find a red welcome cart on the veranda next to Gillespie Hall, our parish hall, on Sunday mornings. Members of our welcome team can be found at the cart, and these volunteers are happy to answer your questions, too.

Take a Tour

We would love to give you a tour of Redeemer! Contact Welcome Coordinator Anne Ayres at to schedule a tour of our beautiful church, gathering spaces, classrooms, and gardens.

Redeemer 101

Redeemer 101 is our three-session class for new members of Redeemer. The class is taught by Welcome Coordinator Anne Ayres, Rector Father Charleston Wilson, and other members of the clergy team. At Redeemer 101, you will learn more about the history of Redeemer, discover how to get plugged in with ministries at Redeemer, and get to know other new members. Redeemer 101 is taught several times throughout the year. For more information about when the next session begins, please email Anne at

Coffee & Connect

Coffee & Connect is an opportunity for new members of Redeemer to attend the 10 a.m. mass in the chapel together and then enjoy coffee, snacks, and fellowship in Gillespie Hall after the service. Coffee & Connect is held periodically throughout the year.

New Member Welcome Reception

A few times a year, Rector Father Charleston hosts a welcome reception for the most recent new members of Redeemer at the Rectory. The gatherings offer a chance to get to know Redeemer clergy, staff, and fellow new members while breaking bread and enjoying a relaxing evening together.