The Weather Channel reports that thunderstorms are anticipated on Sunday afternoon, 2 August.
In order to keep you safe and dry, our pick up area has changed for our VBS 2020 Grow with God Gardeners’ Toolboxes.
On Sunday afternoon, between 5 and 6 PM, please head south on Palm Avenue to meet our VBS volunteers at Redeemer’s covered terrace (see photo). Your materials will be handed to you, the overhang will keep you out of the rain!
To facilitate the fastest delivery of supplies to your vehicle, please post the name(s) of your registered child(ren) in the front passenger-side dashboard of your car.
Don’t forget to bring your canned and boxed foods for our VBS 2020 Outreach Project: the Cartias Food Pantry!
For those families participating in VBS outside the Sarasota area, your materials will arrive via USPS.