This Week’s Offerings: Redeemer’s On-Line Campus

Monday, 4 May:  
Daughters of the King, with Fr. Strohm, 10:30 AM, via Zoom.
+Tell Me More! with Fr. Wood, 6:30 PM, via Facebook Live
Wednesday, 6 May:
 +Businessmen’s Bible Study via Zoom, 7 AM. For Zoom link, contact Russ Ryan,
 + Women’s Heart to Heart Bible Study via Zoom, 9:45 AM. “Discovering the Properties of God in the Psalms.” Contact Jane Thompson at for Zoom link.

 + Faith in the Face of Crisis: Redeemer Welcomes The Rt. Rev. Dr. Michael Marshallwith Fr. Wilson, 6:30 PM, via Facebook Live.

Thursday, 7 May:
 + Redeemer GATORS: A Conversation with Becky Thornhill, hosted by Fr. Wood, Facebook Live, beginning at 6:30 PM. 
Friday, 8 May:
Q&A with ClergyFacebook Live, 6:30 PM, with Fr. Wilson and Fr. Wood.
Saturday, 9 May:
 +Saturday Morning Men’s Bible Study, Saturdays, 7-8 AM via Zoom. Contact Russ Ryan, for Zoom link.