Sunday, 3 May 2015/Graduating Senior Address: Jane Lindsay

jane lindsayGood Morning
For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Jane Lindsay. And for those of you who do know me, I’ll bet you still didn’t know whether I was Jane or Paige.
It’s funny. I have spent so many years picturing myself up here on this day wondering what I would say and after all this time, I feel like I can’t say enough to show how much I have appreciated this church being a part of my life. I have been a member of Redeemer for the past 18 years which is, in fact, my entire life. During this time, I have been involved with Vacation Bible School, LOGOS, Youth Group, Friday Morning Bible Study, the Choir, St. Michael’s Conference, many Mission Trips, and of course Sunday School. And I have loved every moment of it. Being a member of the Church of the Redeemer means more than just going through the motions of being a Christian. And the strength given to me by this parish and my family has given me the foundation of faith I need before I leave to go off to the University of St. Andrews this fall.
I’d like to thank all of my Sunday School teachers and youth ministers for their patience, time, and dedication. I really do remember all of you and what we did each year, and though I don’t have time to thank you all by name, please know that I am truly grateful for the part you each have played in my Christian development. Growing up, I always pictured my Sunday School teachers as the saints that we used to learn about and now as I’ve grown older, you all are still those saints to me because of the wonderful examples you provide of living a life of Christian devotion.
St. Michael’s Conference has also been an integral part of solidifying my faith because as the 3-time reigning champion of bible trivia in 4th grade Sunday School class, asking questions to further understand God has always made me feel closer to him. At St. Mike’s we are encouraged to ask questions about Christianity and the sense of community that comes from worshipping and learning alongside other young adults who are in a similar place in their faith has lent me a sense of strength that has kept me on the right path . God said, “Seek and ye shall find.” When I seek answers at such a special place of knowledge and fellowship, that is where I seem to find God the most.
Out of all my experiences at Redeemer, however, there has been nothing more inspiring or rewarding than going on mission trips. There is a strength that you feel when you’re doing God’s work in such a direct way. I feel like I can do more, work harder and longer because I am filled with the Holy Spirit. And seeing the same change within my friends when we’re there in the DR has been a beautiful thing to experience as well. We are so fortunate to have a parish that is generous enough to make this happen every year because I can assure you that it is the most important experience most of us will ever have in our spiritual journeys.
And finally, I’d like to thank my truly loving parents who 18 years ago made the choice to make our family a part of this Family.
Thank you all so much, may Christ be with you.

Address by Jane Lindsay
The Church of the Redeemer
Sarasota, Florida
The 6th Sunday of Easter
10 May 2015