Redeemer Mission & Outreach Committee Distributes Grants

In August 2021, Redeemer’s Mission & Outreach Committee distributed a $4,000 grant to The Salvation Army and a $13,000 grant to Redeemer’s Foster Youth Initiative (FYI).

The Salvation Army will use the funds to expand its women’s shelter, allowing the organization to provide emergency housing and a shelter program to at least 75 more women every year.

The Foster Youth Initiative helps local foster parents, biological parents, and children in the foster care system by hosting clothing, luggage, and school supply drives as well as by providing educational opportunities.

Redeemer supports nonprofits in Sarasota and around the world, giving priority to Christian organizations that promote the spread of the Gospel, meet human needs, or alleviate suffering. Redeemer’s Mission and Outreach Committee meets monthly to evaluate grant applications.