Rosanne Balance


Rosanne Balance, her husband, Ron, and their two cats relocated to Sarasota in 2021 after enjoying many years vacationing in the city. Rosanne grew up in Chicago, Illinois, and was raised Catholic. After graduating from Northeastern Illinois University, she worked many years as an executive assistant in human resources and in client relations for a chamber of commerce. Rosanne joined Church of the Redeemer in June 2022. She is a receptionist at Redeemer and serves as a volunteer at the Welcome Table on Sunday mornings.

Rosanne has been a chairperson of her condominium’s social committee, elected as an officer for the Sarasota Daughters of the American Revolution chapter, and teaches yoga. She is an animal lover who supports Cat Depot and the Humane Society of Sarasota County. Her other interests include all things beauty, history, and music as well as going out with friends and boating on Sarasota Bay.

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