Joe Reuth
Vestry Member
Joe Reuth and his wife, Elizabeth, joined Church of the Redeemer in 2013. He was baptized (November 1, 2013) and prepared for Confirmation (May 18, 2014) at Redeemer by Father Fred Robinson.
Joe serves as a sub-deacon at the 7:30 a.m. mass, is a member of the Wednesday Bible study and Friday prayer groups, leads Redeemer’s adult mission team to the Dominican Republic, and serves as a board member representing Redeemer with the Dominican Development Group. He helps his wife in heading up the Candle Committee and is part of the hosting crew for First Fridays on Palm Avenue. Joe has also been involved in leading Evening Prayer, helping to host the 7:30 a.m. mass coffee hour, and serving on the Facilities and Grounds Committee. In the online world, Joe helps evangelize by sharing his expertise in search engine optimization to make sure Redeemer’s website and YouTube channel are positioned prominently. He was a recipient of the parish’s Saint Benedict’s Service Award in 2021.
Joe runs a digital marketing agency and previously ran the cruise division of a large online travel agency. Joe and Elizabeth love to travel and have been on over 25 cruises, but now they prefer land trips. Their latest favorite destinations are Japan, Croatia, and Aruba. Joe is a big reader and has fallen into the rabbit hole of Biblical archaeology. He enjoys spending time outside as much as possible, and he is still trying to domesticate his two blue tick hound dogs (former hunting dogs) who are extremely high energy and require lots of outings.