Fritz Maxwell
Vestry Member
Fritz has been a member of Redeemer for nearly 30 years. He was baptized at Killearn United Methodist in Tallahassee, Florida. His parents moved their family to Sarasota shortly thereafter and joined Redeemer in 1996. Since then, Fritz has celebrated many milestones at Redeemer, including First Communion in 2000, Confirmation by Bishop Lipscomb in 2007, and in 2022, he was married to his wife, Annie, by Father Charleston Wilson.
As an adult, Fritz has been involved with Men of Redeemer, the Redeemer Finance Committee, Middle School Boys Bible Study as a leader, the RAMBO (Redeemer Audiovisual Ministry Board Operator) Ministry, lay reading, Redeemer Young Professionals, and the Redeemer Welcome Ministry.
As a youth, Fritz was also involved at Redeemer a variety of ways, including as an acolyte and thurifer. He attended mission trips to the Dominican Republic, Middle School Boys Bible Study, High School Boys Bible Study, St. Michael’s Conference, Sunday School, LOGOS, Vacation Bible School as an aide, EYC (youth group), and Day 4 Hope.
Fritz’s hobbies include flying tailwheel airplanes, fishing, and being active outdoors with his wife.