Deb Kern
Vestry Member
In 1989, Deb Kern relocated to Sarasota with her late husband, Jeff, and their small children, Maggie and David. After a brief tour of the Episcopal church options, it was clear Redeemer would become their church home. She arrived at Redeemer as a young mom of two, and now she is a grandmother of two, Mason and Bryson.
Deb currently serves as co-manager of the Church of the Redeemer Gift & Book Shop on Redeemer’s campus. Recently, she has enjoyed hosting and facilitating Redeemer Neighborhood Groups. Deb has taught Sunday School, participated in Vacation Bible School as a center leader, and co-chaired and served on the Youth Council. She was on the team that brought LOGOS (Redeemer’s Wednesday night program for kindergarten through fifth graders) to Redeemer and has worked with EYC (youth groups) in various capacities. She has also served on the Flower Committee.
Deb loves to garden and is working on a flower cutting garden. She enjoys cooking, college football, painting, reading, and being outside in nature. Deb volunteers at the Senior Friendship Center, helping members with their technology challenges. Through the years, she has volunteered in many other arenas as well.