Redeemer Distributes Several Grants to Nonprofits in October

Redeemer distributed several grants this October — $20,000 to Second Heart Homes, $17,500 to Visible Men Academy, $5,000 to Saving Our Seniors, $2,500 to Better Together, $4,500 to Beauty Bridge, and $5,000 for St. Scholastic Grants.

Second Heart Homes: This nonprofit is dedicated to providing permanent housing to those with mental illness who have experienced or are at-risk of homelessness. Its goal is to provide long-term solutions that revive dignity and enhance quality of life through self-sufficiency. The funds will be used to repair and refurbish two recently purchased duplexes that will provide housing, stability, and critical support services to 12 homeless women with mental health issues. These properties will be for the organization’s first women’s mental health program.

Visible Men Academy: To help students return to pre-pandemic academic and behavioral performance levels, Visible Men Academy leadership developed the Learning Loss Recovery plan — strategies and actions designed to provide Suns, their families, and communities with the tools and direction to recover and succeed. The Learning Loss Recovery Initiative is another example of Visible Men Academy’s commitment to a holistic approach to each student’s success. The foundation of the plan is the immediate implementation of Great Minds curriculum, staff additions, metrics enhancement, and mentoring and tutoring programs.

Saving Our Seniors: This organization provides low-income and disabled seniors throughout the Tampa Bay region with access to the necessary equipment and services to maintain a healthy, mobile, and independent lifestyle, irrespective of their financial situation. The funds will be used to upgrade the organization’s current vehicle, which is used to deliver food and grocery items to low-income seniors throughout Tampa Bay.

Better Together: Since 2015, Better Together has been putting the Gospel into action with programs that help parents overcome crisis without losing children to foster care. Most children enter foster care due to neglect, which is preventable. Their parents are dealing with tough issues alone and are struggling to get help and care for children at the same time. Using a network of over 1,200 volunteers, we’ve served more than 3,102 children and kept 98% of families together without further state intervention needed — far higher than the 46% reunification rate of foster care.

St. Scholastica Grants: Redeemer hopes to implement St. Scholastica Grants for the 2021-2022 school year. The grant will be open to teachers in Manatee and Sarasota counties. Teachers can apply for a grant in the amount of $250, with the funds to be used in their classrooms or to support their students.

Beauty Bridge: Beauty Bridge Salons offers free personal care services to women who are struggling. Its purpose is to provide no-cost beauty services performed by volunteer, skilled, licensed cosmetologists. Its vision is to open the door to beauty and personal care, removing the traditional obstacles of cost and access. It believes that providing individual services to meet each woman’s personal beauty needs will in turn build self-esteem and bring about confidence.

Redeemer regularly supports nonprofits in Sarasota and around the world, giving priority to Christian organizations that promote the spread of the Gospel, meet human needs, or alleviate suffering.