by Angela Ward | Oct 22, 2020 | Text Sermons
Do you remember the first time you paid income tax? I saw a video on YouTube recently; a father was filming his son opening his first paycheck in the back seat of his car. As he opened it, his face went from ecstatic excitement to confused pain. The father asked the...
by Angela Ward | Oct 12, 2020 | Text Sermons
I need to talk about a specific prayer and how understanding that prayer can cause an about-face – a “total eclipse of the heart” (Bonnie Taylor) – a real reversal – a genuine “aha moment” that can change your life – can change my life. And all of this has...
by Angela Ward | Oct 9, 2020 | Text Sermons
What I find wonderful about this church is that our parishioners and the clergy of this parish take seriously what we read in the Bible. We don’t view the Bible, and especially the words of Jesus, as suggestions, or ancient sage advice that does not correlate to the...
by Angela Ward | Sep 29, 2020 | Text Sermons
I love church signs – or marquees, as they are more properly called. Mt. Pleasant Baptist advertises this on two lines: “Do you know what hell is?” And, underneath on the second line, the sign reads, “Come, hear our preacher.” A Presbyterian church sign makes this...
by Angela Ward | Sep 22, 2020 | Text Sermons
What is human nature? How do you define human nature? Webster’s defines human nature like this: human nature is the fundamental dispositions and traits of humans. Thank you, Webster’s dictionary, for perhaps the most unclear definition in all history. The...
by Angela Ward | Sep 22, 2020 | Text Sermons
For several months, we’ve been working our way through St. Paul’s magnum opus, his letter to the Church in Rome. Today we have reached chapter fourteen (of sixteen), and St. Paul is dealing, once again, with the mixed nature of the church in Rome. By “mixed” I mean...