by Jacki Boedecker | Nov 10, 2019 | Event, formation, News
Following the 10 AM Mass on Monday, 11 November, Fr. Chris Wood will lead a new study: The Lost Letters of Pergamum, by Bruce W. Longnecker, illuminating first century Christian life. Eva Pope Room, All are invited.
by Jacki Boedecker | Nov 10, 2019 | Announcements, formation, News
Do you “wear the cross?” Please make plans to gather with Redeemer “Daughters” on Monday, 11 November, 9:45 AM, in the Eva Pope. So many women in the parish family are members of DOK, and we look forward to welcoming all!
by Jacki Boedecker | Nov 10, 2019 | Announcements, Event, News
Our GATORS’ host their annual Thanksgiving dinner for all members of the parish on Tuesday, 19 November, 6:30 PM, in Gillespie Hall. Patty Sullivan will be our speaker. Cost is $25 per person, and a traditional Thanksgiving dinner will be served. Register online...
by Jacki Boedecker | Nov 9, 2019 | Announcements, Event, News
For the next two Sundays, there will be a raffle in Gillespie Hall during the coffee hours following each Mass. The original artwork featured on the cover of “Redeemer Cooks,” will be raffled. The drawing will take place on 24 November during the coffee hour between...
by Jacki Boedecker | Nov 8, 2019 | Announcements, In The Beginning, News
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by Jacki Boedecker | Nov 4, 2019 | Announcements, Event, News
Want to take a “hands-on” role in the new building? Come be a part of its initial clean up! Men of Redeemer is coordinating a cleaning day on Saturday, 9 November. If you are an adult who would like to help between 8:30 AM and noon, with moderately...