by Jacki Boedecker | Aug 10, 2019 | Event, News
As part of the outreach component built into this week’s VBS, every participating child handcrafted a beautiful gold-leaf candle like those pictured, adorned with a pewter cross. But these were not a “take-home” craft. Instead, they will be available...
by Jacki Boedecker | Aug 10, 2019 | Event, News
Families of Redeemer’s Parents’ Night Out! Chef Jeff Trefry’s interactive cooking class for parents of children and youth takes place Saturday, 24 August, at 6:30 PM. Space is limited, so make your childcare plans now, and sign up today by linking...
by Jacki Boedecker | Aug 10, 2019 | Event, formation, News
Over 300 people blessed Redeemer every day this week at our annual Vacation Bible School. With a theme of “God’s Got Your Back,” all learned of God’s steadfast love and care through activities ranging from bubble-filled...
by Jacki Boedecker | Aug 10, 2019 | Announcements, Episcopal Thrift House, News
With the advent of a new school year, join us for the Blessing of the Backpacks on Sunday, 11 August, during the 9 AM Mass, as we bless all students, teachers, schools, and all those who learn and teach. Bring your backpack (empty, please).
by Jacki Boedecker | Jul 24, 2019 | Event, formation, News
Redeemer’s VBS 2019 – “God’s Got Your Back!” is just around the corner. Our playlist is ready now! Link here to register and listen! Registration closes this weekend. For children’s safety, there will be no walk-up registrations....