by Jacki Boedecker | Mar 4, 2020 | Announcements, Event, formation, News
One class for adults begins tonight, as well as one for children, grades K-5th. “Social Media and the Christian Lifestyle” begins: Social media has become a crucial and oft-used part of life. Fr. Chris Wood leads this class that will look at the phenomena,...
by Jacki Boedecker | Feb 23, 2020 | Announcements, formation, News
Do you long for a deeper, more whole-hearted Christian life? What does that look like? Ladies, please join Jane Thompson and Michelle Van Loon in a six week study of James, who challenges us to serve Jesus more wholeheartedly, in how we speak, act and pray. It is the...
by Jacki Boedecker | Feb 18, 2020 | Announcements, formation, News
Join Fr. Wilson on Wednesday evenings in Lent for Pilgrims on the Canterbury Trail: An Introduction to Redeemer and Anglicanism. This four-part series is designed for newcomers, anyone looking for a refresher, and those adults seeking to be Confirmed will be offered...
by Jacki Boedecker | Feb 16, 2020 | Announcements, Event, formation, News
Social Media and the Christian Life: Before you post it…. a question: Is there a place for Facebook, Instragram, SnapChat, Twitter, Pinterest, and countless other social media platforms in the life of a Christian? As a parent, how do you help your children to...
by Jacki Boedecker | Feb 15, 2020 | Announcements, Event, formation, News, worship
A Lenten Devotion: Join Redeemer and Friends for A Walk in the Woods – Stations of the Cross at DaySpring Episcopal Conference Center in Ellenton, Fl, on Saturday, 21 March. Beginning at 10:AM in DaySpring’s outdoor chapel, groups of ten will be led by...
by Jacki Boedecker | Feb 6, 2020 | Announcements, formation, News
Join us for a four-week Sunday morning series for adults in February, which continues throughout the month. Entitled “From Guilt to Grace,” it is taught by parishioner Mike Hartenstine, and is a look at the impact of Martin Luther and the Reformation of...