by Jacki Boedecker | May 1, 2020 | Announcements, Episcopal Thrift House, Event, News
The ETH will be receiving donations of (freshly washed) clothes and other items on Wed/Thurs/Fri, 6,7 and 8 May, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, with an anticipated opening date in early June. Thank you for your donations so that we can re-open with fresh, new...
by Jacki Boedecker | Nov 21, 2019 | Episcopal Thrift House, Event, News
This much-anticipated, annual event, presented by the Episcopal Thrift House, will be in Gillespie Hall on 23 & 24 November, from 10 AM Saturday to 4 PM Sunday, following every Mass. Don’t miss out on this great shopping opportunity! Cash and/or check...
by Jacki Boedecker | Aug 10, 2019 | Announcements, Episcopal Thrift House, News
With the advent of a new school year, join us for the Blessing of the Backpacks on Sunday, 11 August, during the 9 AM Mass, as we bless all students, teachers, schools, and all those who learn and teach. Bring your backpack (empty, please).
by Steve Hedrick | Sep 13, 2018 | Episcopal Thrift House, Text Sermons
What kind of person are you? Do you obey the letter of the law no matter what, or do you obey the spirit of the law? Do you use the letter of the law to hurt other people? Do you manipulate the letter of the law to help yourself? This is the question Jesus is dealing...