Children and Youth Programs and Events

Children and Youth Programs and Events

Children and Youth: Sunday School at the 9 a.m. mass: Sunday School classes take place throughout the academic year for children in VPK (4 and 5 year olds not yet in Kindergarten) through 12th grade. Teachers, students, and parents (of children grades 3 and under),...
August 2022 Birthdays and Anniversaries

August 2022 Birthdays and Anniversaries

Parishioners’ birthdays and anniversaries in August: August Birthdays: 1 Bella Brush, John Frye, Francie Kokowicz, Cecile McPheeters, Ellie Samuelson, Shawn Shumate, Ernest Smith, Ainsley Wiegand, Bev Wisniewski 2 Easton Bauer, Edward Bentley, Scarlett Dubon,...
July 2022 Birthdays and Anniversaries

July 2022 Birthdays and Anniversaries

Our parishioners’ birthdays and anniversaries in July: July Birthdays 1 Dennis Beckman, Gail Landry, Jane Letchworth, Barbara Lyons 2 Deborah Burg, Stephen Culp, Michal Wadsworth, Linda Yancey 3 Harrison Ayres, Liz Berg, Joan Greene, Chloe Hill, James Machan, Marty...