February 2022 Birthdays and Anniversaries

February 2022 Birthdays and Anniversaries

Our parishioners’ birthdays and anniversaries in February: February birthdays: 1 Chris Andrews, Carter Hermes, Anne Murray, Bella Strom, Diane Sykes, Dana Vega 2 Bill Caflisch, Debbie Kern, Felicity Maroney, Cathie Meyer, Paula Wulfsohn 3 Angelica Correa, Louann...
Widows’/Widowers’ Might Retreat

Widows’/Widowers’ Might Retreat

A Widows’/Widowers’ Might Retreat will be held at Redeemer on Saturday, February 19, from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in Goewey Hall. We welcome The Rt. Rev. Dabney Smith, bishop of the Diocese of Southwest Florida, who will present “Finding Strength Through the Promise of...