April 2022 Birthdays and Anniversaries

April 2022 Birthdays and Anniversaries

Our parishioners’ birthdays and anniversaries in April: April birthdays: 1 Rachael Almy, Scott Gonnello, Gretchen Rimmer, Carol Tilley 2 Dave Donnelly, James Lohmann, Jay Mahoney, Kristina Rossi, Bud Summers 3 Ali Davidson, Laney Ortega, Bill Peck, Logan Weber, Bob...
Spend an Hour at our Altar of Repose

Spend an Hour at our Altar of Repose

On the night before he was put to death, Jesus asked his disciples, “Can ye not watch with me one hour?” (Matthew 26:40). As you prepare for Easter, spend an hour in the quiet presence of the living Jesus at our Altar of Repose in Gillespie Hall’s Pelican...
March 2022 Birthdays and Anniversaries

March 2022 Birthdays and Anniversaries

Our parishioners’ birthdays and anniversaries in March: March birthdays: 1 Jim Gallagher, Taylor Mollohan, Bill Schroff, Porter Strand 2 Gretchen Dawson, Blaise Freeman, Jim Kemmerer, George Lindsay, Fran Lindsay, Bonnie McCormick, Leigh Merritt, Marilyn Pasternak,...