Annual Parish Celebration and “Pancakes and Pajamas”

Our Annual Parish Celebration will take place on Sunday, 26 January, beginning at 9:45 AM in the nave. Gather as we celebrate landmark events of the past year, elect four new members to the Vestry, and hear Fr. Robinson’s final State of the Parish address.

Note: Sunday morning Mass start times change to 7:30 AM, 8:45 AM, and 11:15 AM.

A pamphlet with information on those nominated for the Vestry is available in the narthex. Please note the excerpt from our by-laws indicating that as we have at least two nominees for each position, there are no nominations allowed from the floor.

Our annual Pancakes and Pajamas takesplace during Redeemer’s Annual Parish Celebration. Yes, children grades K and up are encouraged to wear their PJs, fluffy robes, and slippers to church, and will head to Gillespie Hall after the service to enjoy pancakes, created by Chefs Jefff Trefry amd John Parks, and bacon. Movie TBA. Don’t miss the fun!

Parents are asked to pick up their children immediately following the meeting.