An Update: Redeemer’s Pro-active, Pastoral, and Practical Response to COVID-19

“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others” (Philippians 2:4).
Dear Redeemer Family,
As we promised, we are happy to provide another update on Redeemer’s “Pro-active, Pastoral, and Practical” response to COVID-19.
Over the last six days, your clergy and staff have been focused on two main ways to serve you:
  •          We have provided digital worship so we can continue to worship “in spirit and truth” (John 4:23). We live-streamed a mass for the whole parish family from our website on Sunday, and we have offered Morning and Evening Prayer on Facebook Live each day as well. This pattern will continue for now, and we will keep you informed as we know more. Click here for the Sunday mass live-stream. Morning Prayer is live-streamed on Facebook Live at 10:00 AM, and Evening Prayer is also live-streamed at 5:15 PM. You do not need to join Facebook to watch Facebook Live. Click here to access Redeemer’s Facebook Page. The nave remains open (Monday-Friday) for private prayer and devotion from 8:30 AM to 5:45 PM. The Most Blessed Sacrament is in the tabernacle in the Chapel of the Transfiguration, and you are invited to drop-in for prayer and acts of adoration. Strict social-distancing measures are in effect, and no more than ten persons may be in the nave at any time.
  •          We have provided daily digital Christian formation opportunities, because we believe forming our faith reduces worldly fears and anxieties. Literally hundreds are participating daily. Click here for our current online digital formation opportunities. We will be expanding these offerings in the coming days. Stay tuned!
Today, your staff and clergy met, together with some volunteers, and we are now turning our attention to pastoral care–how your clergy, vestry, and staff (and how each member of the parish) can best serve one another in the coming days:
  •          Beginning as early as tomorrow afternoon, your clergy, vestry, staff, and a team of dedicated volunteers will begin calling every single Redeemer parishioner. We will attempt to reach each member of our 2,400-person parish, using the information we have in our database. The clergy, staff, and your dedicated volunteers want every member of the parish to know and experience a caring, Christian community of hope and grace.
  •          We are finalizing a plan that will allow volunteers to pick-up and deliver certain prescription medications for the most at-risk persons in the parish. When we have the logistical details, we will let you know how you can be a volunteer. This will not involve person-to-person contact; items will be left at a parishioner’s door.
  •          Your clergy continue to be available and may be reached twenty-four hours a day by calling (941) 955-4263.
  •          If you have any serious illness, your parish, especially your clergy, should know. We will always pray daily for all those who are ill in body, mind, or estate. Call us or email us.
  •          If you need to talk with our Christian counseling partners, Samaritan Counseling Services, please call (941) 926-2959. In addition to our on-campus location, Samaritan has other locations where you can receive counseling in a professional, confidential, and Christian setting.
  •          Redeemer will continue to develop ways for us to serve one another in the coming days, and we will share them with you as soon as they are coordinated.
We look forward to offering another parish update soon. Peace be with you.